Dr. J. Wesley Cook

Dr. J. Wesley Cook, D.O., is a Family Medicine Specialist and Additions Medicine Specialist in Chicago, IL, with more than 30 years of experience in the medical field.

Dr. Cook’s mission has always been to provide quality health care to his patients while treating everyone with compassion and respect. He is currently Chief Medical Officer at Thresholds, one of the oldest and largest providers of recovery services for persons with mental illnesses and substance use disorders in Illinois. 

In addition to his work at Thresholds, Dr. Cook serves as Executive Director and Medical Director of Intervention Instruction, Inc. For more than 30 years, Intervention Instruction, Inc., has helped DUI offenders separate drinking and driving through education. Intervention Instruction was the first to offer an education-based, risk-reduction solution for DUI classes. The DUI Class Online remains a fully licensed, widely recommended and proven effective DUI course online today.